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Investing in Addiction and Mental Health: Unveiling the Economic and Social Benefits of Liberty Home in Belgium

Mental health and drug addiction services are not only about transforming lives; they’re a powerful investment in our communities. Our new Liberty Home facility in Belgium embodies this, bringing a multitude of social and economic benefits along with our specialised care.

Liberty Home and Its Mission

Liberty Home is a secondary reintegration care facility that specialises in providing tailored treatments for a range of addictions and mental health disorders. Our approach is based on three key pillars, 

  • Individual autonomy
  • Personalised care
  • Supportive community

Our mission extends beyond recovery—we aim to transform lives, promote societal well-being, and contribute to a more productive economy.

The Economic and Social Impact of Mental Health Disorders and Addictions in Belgium

Mental health and addiction issues can be far-reaching, and Belgium’s not immune. Here’s a snapshot of the numbers:

  • In 2020, around 16% of Belgians were struggling with depression, and 20% faced generalised anxiety disorder. (Sources: Statista, Statista)
  • Belgium is the cocaine capital of Europe, according to the EU Drugs Agency
  • From 2001 to 2020, the prevalence of generalised anxiety disorders increased in the Belgian population. In 2020, one out of five Belgians was affected by this disorder. (Source: Statista)
  •  In 2018, it was estimated that 9.7% of Belgians aged 15- 64 years old consumed alcohol on a daily basis. (Source: Statista)

These statistics reveal a sobering picture. According to the numbers, Belgium faces significant mental health and addiction issues. These problems can lead to increased healthcare costs, loss of productivity, and a breakdown of families. They can also contribute to crime and violence.

The Role of Liberty Home in Addressing These Issues

Secondary care refers to programmes or facilities that provide ongoing treatment and support to people who have completed a primary treatment programme for addiction or mental health problems.

When a person completes their primary care treatment, they may be referred to a secondary care centre to continue their recovery journey. It’s a “bridge” between intensive primary care and a life of independence. A kind of “halfway house”. 

Secondary care is critical in the recovery journey. It provides a supportive community for individuals post-primary treatment, aiding in their transition back into everyday life.

Liberty Home is an example of a secondary care facility. We offer a variety of services, including:

  • Comfortable accommodation
  • Serenity
  • Breakfast and supper
  • Therapeutic duties & cooking
  • Random drug & alcohol testing (Including random room search)
  • One-on-one sessions with a dedicated counsellor (Extra sessions involve additional fees)
  • 12-step programme & meetings (Including supervision with Recovery Assistant)
  • Compulsory BRAAI followed by the indoor life story
  • Nutritionist once/week + meal plan (Additional fees apply)
  • Community groups
  • Goals group and topic
  • Relapse prevention support
  • One powerless & damages group
  • One physical activity 
  • A personal trainer on request (Additional fees apply)
  • Full access to WIFI

Our compassionate and highly trained staff are committed to helping our patients heal from their experiences.

One notable success story is that of Morgane, our director at Liberty Home. 

Morgane’s story

At 16, Morgane struggled with anorexia and bulimia. She slowly went from being extroverted and happy to becoming self-absorbed, irrational and isolated. She soon started finding solace at the bottom of a vodka bottle. 

Her life changed when she asked for help. Morgane moved from Belgium to South Africa for an in-patient programme. Then, in 2017, She found hope and healing through a rehabilitation center in South Africa.

“Today, I have the opportunity to help others through my passion and profession in social work. Extending a helping hand reminds me of where I’ve been and how I never want to return. Together, we can find hope and healing on this journey of recovery. Reach out at” – Morgane, Director

She experienced first-hand the need for facilities like this and made it her mission to help people like her embark on the journey to recovery. After her success, her aim was to bring their tried and tested approach back to her native Belgium. And our new facility here will help her achieve that.

The Economic and Social Benefits of Liberty Home in Belgium

Facilities like Liberty Home offer substantial economic benefits. By providing specialised care, we help reduce the burden on hospitals and emergency services, thereby lowering overall healthcare costs. 

But it doesn’t stop there. Imagine a person who overcomes their addiction and reintegrates into society as an active, productive member. That’s one less person on social security, one more contributing to the economy — through work, taxes, and consumer spending. 

There are also several social benefits. Residents experience improved quality of life, and the supportive community fostered within Liberty Home helps build stronger community ties. With its focus on autonomy and independence, Liberty Home promotes reintegration and societal cohesion.


Our new facility in Belgium is more than just a building—it’s a powerhouse for change, a source of societal welfare, and a catalyst for economic growth. By harnessing the transformative power of secondary care, we can create healthier, happier communities.

Investing in facilities like Liberty Home offers substantial rewards:

  • Economic benefits: Reduced healthcare costs, increased productivity, and safer communities.
  • Social benefits: Improved quality of life,  stronger family bonds, and a resilient community.

We’re inviting you to be part of this mission. Get behind mental health initiatives like ours at Liberty Home. Check out our website to find out how you can play a part in creating a stronger Belgium.