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Addiction treatment too often remains taboo. Let’s start by saying this: You are not weak, or lacking willpower. You are not useless or feeble. Addiction is an illness, a symptom of underlying and often complex issues. It’s an illness that can take over every aspect of daily life, get out of hand and result in incarceration, mental disorders, or even death.

Society—and maybe even you—might think that your addiction is the core problem. However, it’s too often a temporary solution to cope with other problems that must be addressed. If not, your addiction treatment will remain the central point of your life, eventually destroying it.

Knowing that, recovering isn’t just a matter of putting an end to your substance abuse. It’s about achieving a fundamental change in mindset and behavior. If left untreated, addiction will undoubtedly lead to a constant struggle with yourself. It will have you living in isolation, stripped from financial resources and meaningful relationships.

It’s time to step up. However, only you can do that. Once you have, we will be right beside you to guide you on the road to recovery.


Identifying the symptoms of addiction can be challenging, as symptoms can vary depending on the substance or behaviour involved. However, here are some common symptoms that may indicate addiction:

Increased Tolerance:

You may find that you need to use more of a substance or engage in behaviour more frequently to achieve the same effect.

Withdrawal Symptoms:

You may experience physical or psychological symptoms when you stop using a substance or engaging in a behaviour.

Loss Of Control:

You may find that you can’t stop using a substance or engaging in a behaviour, despite negative consequences.


You may experience strong urges to use a substance or engage in a behaviour.

Neglecting Responsibilities:

You may experience physical or psychological symptoms when you stop using a substance or engaging in a behaviour.

Continued Use Despite Negative Consequences:

You may continue to use a substance or engage in a behaviour despite negative consequences, such as health problems, legal issues, or relationship problems.

Spending A Lot Of Time And Money On Substance Use Or Behaviour:

You may spend a significant amount of time and money on obtaining and using a substance or engaging in a behaviour.

Giving Up Hobbies And Activities:

You may give up hobbies and activities that you once enjoyed in order to use a substance or engage in a behaviour.

**It’s important to note that experiencing any of these symptoms does not necessarily mean that you have an addiction. However, if you are experiencing persistent symptoms that are impacting your daily life, it’s important to seek help from a healthcare professional. They can provide a proper diagnosis and create a treatment plan tailored to your individual needs.


We’ll be honest: overcoming addiction isn’t a stroll through the park. However, our multifaceted programme assures you of optimal guidance and support throughout your recovery. We specialize in various forms of psychological treatment, namely Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).

Trust is what keeps our team and community together. We are ardently focused on helping you achieve a realistic reintegration into your original environment and community. For that, we need you to act. Only talking doesn’t cut it. Re-integration requires commitment, effort, and hard work. If you’re up for it, we promise to support you in every way we can.

“Action is key. Nobody talks themselves into addiction, and we cannot simply talk our way out of it.”
