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How to Live a Sober Life

If you’re in recovery from a substance use disorder, you already know how much work it took to get there, and you’ll want to do everything possible to avoid having a relapse. It may seem that relapse is the last thing that could happen to you, but the truth is they are very common for people new to recovery. The foundation for getting clean and sober would be to start off at a
primary treatment centre and then complete secondary treatment. Once this is done then the individual can move into a step-down facility such as a sober living house. Cape Town has a
variety of facilities to suit each person’s needs in getting clean and sober and maintaining their sobriety long-term.

It is estimated that up to 80% of those who find long-term sobriety had at least one relapse along the way. Some had many before they found lasting recovery. Your intentions may be good,
but it takes more than willpower.
Some say the best advice for newcomers to recovery on how to stay sober is simple: “Don’t drink
or use and go to meetings.” If that formula works for you, then, by all means, do it. There are meetings all day every day in Cape Town for Recovering Addicts to attend.
But for most people, staying sober isn’t that straightforward. The more strategies you learn to
identify triggers, cope with stress, and manage your new sober life, the easier it is to prevent

sober living activities
●Identify your personal triggers (stress, relationships, job, financial problems)
●Recognize relapse warning signs (addictive thinking, self-defeating behaviours)
●Avoid old routines and habits (people, places, and things)
●Build healthy relationships (join a support group to make sober friends)
●Develop a structured schedule (achieve your goals)
●Practice healthy living (exercise, hobbies, eat well, get enough sleep, meditation)
●Stay cool and calm (therapy, advice from a sponsor)
●Deal with past mistakes
●Find balance in your life (you have choices and can maintain control)
●Celebrate your milestones (picking up your chip in a 12 step fellowship)

Numerous ways that your life is better in recovery: You have more free time, you look healthier,
you are less forgetful, you have more money, you are more productive, you are self-aware, your
physical health improves, you have healthy boundaries, your relationships improve, you have

real friends, you explore new hobbies, you are less stressed and anxious, you make fewer
apologies, you live longer, you like yourself, you have MORE fun.
Learn to have fun without the use of drugs and alcohol.
Learn healthy coping mechanisms that do not make your life worse.
Learn who your real friends are.
Learn what is important in life and what isn’t.
Know that a whole new world of opportunities will open up for you.
Learn to be responsible with your finances.
Learn to love and respect yourself.
Learn that you can use your own experience with addiction to help others.