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Liberty Home Secondary Care in Belgium:

Addressing Functional Alcoholism

 Explore the role of Liberty Home Secondary Care Facility in Belgium in tackling functional alcoholism. Learn about the signs, risk factors, and impact of being a functional alcoholic, as well as available self-tests and coping strategies. Discover how seeking help from healthcare professionals can make a positive difference in recovery.

Liberty Home Secondary Care in Belgium: A Solution for Functional Alcoholism

Unraveling the Realities of Functional Alcoholism

In contemporary healthcare terminology, the term “alcoholic” has been replaced by “alcohol use disorder” (AUD), as recognized by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. This shift reflects the importance of destigmatizing the issue surrounding alcohol dependency, which Liberty Home has taken on board.

The Notion of a Functional Alcoholic

While not a formal medical diagnosis, the term “functional alcoholic” describes an individual dependent on alcohol but still able to maintain societal functioning. Referred to colloquially, these individuals often manage jobs, homes, and families, making it challenging to identify their struggle with uncontrollable cravings and unsuccessful attempts at quitting.

Liberty Home Secondary Care Facility provides individualised therapy for individuals battling this addiction. There is a higher resistance toward acceptance in these individuals as they feel that they are functional and thus the element of denial is profound.

However, as they battle the same challenges regarding addiction and dependence, this indicates a need for rehabilitation and discovering root causes.

Risk Factors for Functional Alcoholics

According to the National Institutes of Health, functional alcoholics are typically middle-aged, well-educated individuals with stable jobs and families. Binge drinking, exposure to stress, peer pressure, family history, mental health problems, and excessive alcohol consumption are recognized risk factors, and thus all indicators of the need for therapeutic intervention.

Recognizing the Signs of a Functional Alcoholic

Discovering if one has an alcohol use disorder while maintaining societal functionality can be challenging.

Self-Tests to Assess a Drinking Problem

Denial often impedes recognition. Functional alcoholics may use excuses like having a great job or drinking expensive wine. Online tests can be instrumental in acknowledging potential issues.

However, Liberty Home encourages a thorough assessment by professional staff, as self-tests are often inaccurately answered.

Understanding Tolerance in Functional Alcoholism

While functional alcoholics may consume as much as those with an alcohol use disorder, they exhibit minimal outward signs of intoxication due to developed tolerance. This heightened tolerance leads to increased alcohol consumption, contributing to alcohol dependence, organ damage, cognitive impairment, and chronic health issues.

Liberty Home urges those who can relate to this description to enrol in their inpatient therapeutic program before alcohol has caused the unseen damage. Facing ones demons in individualised therapy at Liberty Home is highly beneficial. Especially that one is under the supervision of professional medical staff in a safe and caring environment. Attending group meetings also adds enormous value to the holistic treatment program.

Confronting Withdrawal in Functional Alcoholism

Even when functional alcoholics acknowledge a drinking problem, resistance to seeking help persists until withdrawal symptoms intensify. Recognize symptoms such as anxiety, appetite loss, depression, and shakiness, pushing individuals to continue drinking to avoid these unpleasant effects.

Navigating the Impact of Functional Alcoholism

While functional alcoholics fulfill societal obligations, their drinking takes a toll on health, relationships, career, and overall well-being. Immediate risks include accidents, injuries, violence, and risky behavior, while long-term consequences encompass alcohol use disorders, cancer, memory problems, mental health conditions, and weakened immunity.

Coping Strategies for Families and Loved Ones

Family members often experience anxiety and concern about a functional alcoholic. Joining support groups like Al-Anon, learning about alcohol use disorders, employing communication strategies, and understanding community reinforcement and family training (CRAFT) can help support a loved one’s recovery.

However, in-house treatment at Liberty Home is the chosen and most successful solution in reaching and maintaining sobriety.

Seeking Help for Functional Alcoholism

Mild to moderate withdrawal symptoms may necessitate outpatient treatment. Healthcare providers at Liberty Home Secondary Care in Belgium offer medical detoxification, tests for alcohol-related medical concerns, counseling, rehabilitation, and support group recommendations to guide individuals on their journey to recovery.

If you can identify this and relate to the content of this article, or if it rings true for someone you may know, reach out to Liberty Home, who will welcome you into a safe environment of unjudgmental care and compassion. We meet you where you are on your journey toward sobriety and complete sustained recovery.

Reach out today. Together We Overcome.