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Symptoms of addiction; how can you see someone has a Substance Use Disorder

General signs of addiction are lack of control or inability to stay away from a substance or behaviour. decreased socialization, like abandoning commitments or ignoring relationships. ignoring risk factors, like sharing needles despite potential consequences. 
A person with an addiction does not have any control over what they are doing, using or taking because their brain chemistry changes as their addiction progress. Their addiction may have reached a point where it has become harmful. Addictions are not just limited to physical things that we consume, such as alcohol or drugs, but may include practically anything such as gambling, sex and food. Addiction can refer to either a substance dependence, such as drug addiction, or behavioural addiction like gambling, sex or the internet. 
The term addiction is used to solely indicate psychoactive substances that cross the barrier between the body and the brain to temporarily alter the brain’s chemical balance. It would include tobacco, alcohol and some drugs. Nowadays, a significant amount of psychologists and healthcare professionals insist that psychological dependency, such as smartphones, sex, gambling, and work, should be considered addictions as well since they also cause feelings of shame, guilt, failure, despair, anxiety, hopelessness and humiliation. 
When an individual becomes addicted to something, they start to become dependent on it and need to keep repeating the activities, taking the drug or drinking alcohol, despite the negative consequences these behaviours bring.
Some of the most common characteristics of addiction include: 
1. The individual cannot stop taking the substance. … 
2. Health problems do not stop their addiction. … 
3. Giving up recreational and/or social activities. … 
4. Keeping a steady supply. … 
5. Saving stashes. … 
6. Risky behaviour. … 
7. Excessive consumption. … 
8. Dealing with issues. 
9. Obsession 
10. Secrecy and denial 
11. Having troubles with the law 
12. Financial problems 
13. Relationship issues 
Physical Signs of Addiction 
Over-active or under-active (depending on the drug) 
Repetitive speech patterns 
Dilated pupils, red eyes 
Excessive sniffing and runny nose (not attributable to a cold) 
Looking pale or undernourished 
Clothes do not fit the same 
Weight loss 
Change in eating habits 
Unusual odours or body odours due to lack of personal hygiene 
Behavioural Signs of Addiction 
Missing work/school 
Work/school problems 
Missing important engagements 
Isolating/secretive about activities 
Disrupted sleep patterns  
Legal problems 
Relationship/marital problems 
Financial problems (e.g. always needing money) 
Conversations dominated by using or drug/alcohol-related topics 
Emotional Signs of Addiction 
Inability to deal with stress 
Loss of interest in activities/people that used to be part of their lives 
Confused easily 
Rationalizing – Offering alibis, excuses, justifications, or other explanations for their using behaviour 
Minimization – 
Admitting superficially to the problem but not admitting to the seriousness or full scope of the behaviour or consequences 
Blaming – Placing the blame for the behaviour on someone else or some event 
Diversion – Changing the subject to avoid discussing the topic