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I have been using meth and gambling for 8 years. I lost myself, I was damaged in every way, empty. I caused endless damage and chaos.I was not an asset to anyone, I did not add value to the lives of others. I was so sick of being a prisoner within myself. I wanted more, I was ready to change and put in the work. When I came to Liberty, I had just finished a 15-month long term primary treatment program.

I was overwhelmed and did not know what to expect. The approach at Liberty was very different to what I was used to. Love, patience, kindness and true care from the most authentic place. When I say liberty has impacted my life, I mean it. The staff really did so much and had such a huge part in my continues journey of Recovery. Everyone who works there has such a special place in my heart. I will forever be grateful and so thankful. Vincent was my counselor and helped me become the person I am today, free and living a beautiful life. A life I never even could have imagined.