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After leaving my first and only primary treatment facility, I really struggled adapting to my new life without alcohol. Four weeks of treatment was not going to be enough for me to rebuild my life and integrate back into society. I realised that my alcohol abuse was really only a symptom of much deeper issues, not only because of childhood trauma but also with how I related to the world and my social surroundings. I needed to relearn how to live without alcohol. And also who I was as a person without alcohol. Liberty provided me with a safe environment and immense support to explore these issues. They gave me a daily structure, individual and group counselling and encouraged me with love to push through those early, difficult days on the recovery journey. The recovery assistants always treated me with respect and care, and was always available if I needed someone to talk to. I’m so grateful for this experience, for being able to learn and grow in this environment. I’ll always have a special place in my heart for Morgane and the team at Liberty, who without a doubt played a huge role in my life and who I am today.